Books and Music
‘Handicapped’ brings out the rich, but unknown history of Australian disability activists starting in the 1970s and 80s who fought to create a more open society and began to shrug off the ‘handicapped’ label that had kept them down.
What readers are saying about this book
“Must read 🏆
This is the most complete historical account of an influential man/couple I have read. It’s inspirational and motivational-change the world!
This book is engaging and informative, a tour de force, and a gift just like the lives of Richard and his wife, Becky Llewellyn, have been! Family love and support, deep friendships, working together to create what many may have deemed impossible. Never give up! You can persevere through heartache and betrayal, through isolation and desolation, by being a man or woman of grit and innate strength, something we all possess.” Jennie Louwes, Reedsy Discovery. Click here to read the full review.
“The book is powerful reminder of the tenacity of the many disability activists that did the hard work decades ago to ensure that the rights of people with disability became a national and international issue. Richard and Becky broke new ground, challenged ableist assumptions, and came up with innovative solutions to overcome some of the many barriers Richard and others faced to being able to participate in family and community life. They did this as at a time when there were no community-based supports and services. ‘Handicapped’ is an important contribution to the understanding the history of the disability rights movement in Australia.” Prof. Anne Kavanagh, Chair in Disability and Health
Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne
“The book is an account of two substantial lives, lived together and deeply engaged together. Richard constantly struggled against the injustices he saw and was sustained by Becky’s seemingly endless energy and admirable American get up and go.” Fred Chaney AO
“I have just finished reading your book, Becky. It is a tour de force. A marvellous piece of writing which is a superb tribute to Richard and you, no less.” Chris Sumner AM Former Attorney General, South Australia
“An invaluable record and what an adventure”. Robyn Archer
“I thoroughly enjoyed ‘Handicapped’. You have such a gift as a writer and your emotional honesty about your life with Richard was heart-warming even though coming from the difficulties of life. The story of the way you both increased accessibility in Adelaide is such an important record of how relentless advocacy has to be and the toll it takes on advocates.” Fran
“A brave and beautiful story. Very moving”. Viesturs
“I have loved (treasured) reading these pages”. Phyllis
“A most incredible story. Richard obviously instigated many improvements for people with disabilities and many people would be grateful. Carers included. A remarkable achievement.” Joy
“Wow! I have finished your book. What a read it was! I think it should be made into a movie.” Jacky
“I have picked up your book again ….. and am getting even more from it than the first time of reading. I was proud of the way you both handled tricky times and always came back together. To overcome difficulties, that was the motto you both shared.” Margie
“I finished ‘Handicapped’ last night. What a privilege to be able to share and understand so much of your life with Richard. It left me full of so many emotions, for you, for Richard, and also as a trigger to some of my own experiences.” Cheryl
“Powerful! It felt like three books in one—a history of disability awareness/improvement in Australia, a love story, and a personal memoir. My favorite was the personal memoir. So much pain and difficulty but enough strength and resilience and talent to climb through (and over) it all.” A brave and beautiful story. Very moving”. Maggie